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5 Blogs found.
  • Sep 14 2022

    1772 0 0 0 0/5

    NOTHING TO SHOW FOR 21 YEARS; CAMPUS SIZE DWINDLES WHILE PROJECT STALLS   Here are the facts:   Funding from a $346.5 million bond measure passed by Coachella Valley voters in 2004 was to be used partly to build this campus. As initially envisioned in 2011, the College of the Desert's West Valley C...

  • Sep 12 2022

    2222 0 0 0 0/5

    Rabbi J. B. Sacks, Bill Singer, David Baellow, Ken Halpern, Bill Amplo-Photo by Pat Krause DLNews Staff: Congregation Beth Shalom was founded in 1994 as a modern egalitarian Conservative synagogue affiliated with The United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism. Our friendly, family atmosphere encourage...

  • Jun 08 2022

    by admin
    1843 0 0 0 0/5

    JTFMax At least a dozen people were killed and more than 60 hurt in a minimum of 10 mass shootings this weekend break in the USA. They went to places that were supposed to be safe-- however, a couple of areas in America are not guaranteed risk-free anymore. Some went to graduation parties, a club, a...

  • Feb 14 2022

    3029 0 0 0 0/5

    By Mike Patel, Citizens Against Lawsuit Abuse Supporter, Located in Riverside   First, it was the coronavirus that crushed small businesses. Then, it was the supply chain disruption and inflation. Add to that the challenge of finding workers in a state with a very high unemployment rate. But now, hi...

  • January 28 2021

    By Robert Kinsler NAMM is a worldwide community of companies that manufacture, distribute, and/or retail musical instruments and products. For decades NAMM — whose headquarters are in Carlsbad, CA — has staged its highly-anticipated winter show in Southern California every January. The annual event ...