We finally have the covid19 vaccines but in limited supplies. Currently, we have more demand for the vaccine than actual vaccine doses. The county has received 224,200 doses that have been distributed to private partners and the public health department. We have collectively administered 195,173. This means over 85% of the vaccines the county has received have been given to our community.
Riverside County wants to protect those at higher risk of mortality and focus the vaccine clinics on those 80 and older. Private partners will be vaccinated according to the tier system; you can view the tier listing
Residents ask two questions, how can they make an appointment, and how soon can they get the vaccine appointment? Appointments can be made through our Public Health website. Unfortunately, with the limited supplies the county is receiving, there is more demand than vaccines, and so our appointments are filling up quickly.
Appointments are now open for seniors over the age of 80; to register, click
here. If you cannot get an appointment with our public health department, please call 2-1-1 for assistance or one of our private partners. Partners in the 4th district are:
- Albertsons
- Borrego Community Health Foundation
- Clinicas de Salud del Pueblo
- DaVita
- Desert AIDS Project
- Desert Medical Advances
- Desert Oasis Healthcare Medical Group
- Desert Regional Medical Center
- Eisenhower Medical Center
- Indio Emergency Medical Group
- Palo Verde Health Care District
- Ralphs Grocery Co.
Now that some people have received the first vaccine shot, there are many questions about the second dose. If you received your first dose through one of our partners, please reach out to them about the second dose. If your first dose were administered at a County Vaccination Clinic, you would receive an email close to the second dose window that will allow you to make an appointment.