DLNews Lottery:
The California Lottery urges players to be responsible when gifting as we approach the holiday shopping season. Lottery tickets are not suitable as toys or stocking stuffers for children. Even though our games are intended to bring fun and joy during the holiday season, particularly our holiday-themed Scratchers®, it's vital to remember that it's illegal for anyone under 18 to participate in lottery activities. Carolyn Becker, the spokesperson of the California Lottery, emphasized the importance of being aware of this.
It has been found that the earlier a person is exposed to gambling, the higher their chances of developing a gambling addiction later in life. Usually, exposure to gambling during childhood occurs through lottery games, where a child may be given tickets by an adult who is unaware of the risks involved, as per the National Council on Problem Gambling.
The California Lottery strictly follows the law prohibiting the sale of Lottery games to anyone under 18. Their network of over 23,000 retail partners has been informed of the same. The Lottery also employs underage decoys to prevent sales to minors and ensure compliance.
The California Lottery is committed to maintaining the highest possible standards in-game sales and promoting responsible gaming. Their efforts have been recognized through the World Lottery Association's highest certification and recertification for their educational initiatives.
For additional information about the National Council on Problem Gambling's campaign on responsible gifting, please click here.
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