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5 articles found.
  • Dec 02, 2023
    Kim Jong-un confidently presents himself in front of his Air Force, wearing a military black leather coat reminiscent of Nazi attire. DLNews World at ...
    0 0 0 710 0/5
  • Nov 07, 2023
    DLNews World At War: It is alarming that the world is on the brink of a third world war, with countries investing billions of dollars and euros in the...
    0 0 0 905 0/5
  • Aug 03, 2023
    by admin
    DLNews 'World at War: NORTH KOREA SUNGLASSES UNIT Men who wear weird black suits and sunglasses even in the dark? We know from somewhere... North Kore...
    0 0 0 1047 0/5
  • Apr 29, 2023
     One of the most powerful women in North Korea: Kim Yo-jong, the sister of the dictator Kim Jong-un DLNews Worldnews: In the face of North Korea's nuc...
    0 0 0 1556 0/5
  • Nov 19, 2022
    Hand in hand during missile test: North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un and his daughter (presumed Ju-ae) DLNews Staff: Surprise in North Korea! For the f...
    0 0 0 1231 0/5