DLNEWS Law enforcement:
Are you looking for an exciting way to volunteer and help serve your community all around your schedule? The City of Rancho Mirage is actively recruiting volunteers to join the Rancho Mirage Citizens on Patrol Services (COPS).
COPS works directly with the City of Rancho Mirage and supports the Riverside County Sheriff’s Department in the following ways:
Patrolling the community.
Reporting public nuisances to Code Compliance.
Reporting suspicious activity to the Sheriff’s Department.
Assisting disabled motorists with traffic control at accidents.
Supporting significant events such as the Rancho Mirage Writer’s Festival.
And more!
There is no fixed schedule! You pick the dates and times you want to volunteer so long as you volunteer an average of 20 hours a month. If you are a snowbird or frequently vacation, not a problem, COPS supports a highly flexible leave of absence program for all volunteers. No prior experience is required. All training, uniforms, and equipment are accessible to you.
For more information or to download an application, visit the COPS webpage, or if you have specific questions you would like to ask, you can email the COPS Captain at: copscaptain@ranchomirageca.gov or the COPS Program Liaison: briank@ranchomirageca.gov (760) 324-4511 ext. 296
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