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October 27, 2023 -
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Rumors of Putins death
Kremlin reports Putin is alive
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Alleged sign of life: A man who looks almost identical to the Russian president visited a space rocket center near Moscow on Thursday.
DLNews Rumor Mill:
Telegram channel described the dictator's supposedly dramatic final minutes.
It used to be simple: the world knew that a leader was dying in Moscow or that the system was tipping over when “Swan Lake” flickered on an endless loop on state TV (as was the case during the coup against Gorbachev in 1991).
Unannounced Swan Lake performances on state TV announce upheaval or death in the Kremlin in Moscow.
The world is currently watching Russian TV with one eye again. Is “Swan Lake” coming?
The reason: The Kremlin feels compelled to announce something self-evident at ever shorter intervals: Putin is alive!
Again this Friday, the message: “Putin is alive!”
This makes observers uneasy. After all, Vladimir Putin (71) has lived every day without having to report it repeatedly. Twice in the past week and a half.
Denials raise suspicions – and Putin is not there.
It was only on Monday that Putin's spokesman, Dmitri Peskov, had to declare that Putin had not suffered a heart attack. And on Friday this: Peskov had to confirm to the state broadcaster “Ria Novosti” that his leader was still alive!
Kremlin spokesman Dimitri Peskov reports more and more often: Putin is alive!
“There are at least two doppelgangers.”
The cryptic formulation that Peskov chose, which is reminiscent of Soviet times, is surprising: “Information falsifications.” This raises the question: What about the report of Putin's death is distorted, and what is correct?
Putin's 'Doppelganger?"
The death notice
The Telegram channel “SVR General,” which is supposedly (unverifiable) behind a Kremlin insider from the SVR secret service, initially reported on Thursday afternoon Moscow time: Putin’s health had deteriorated drastically, and his doppelganger was currently taking over all business.
Then, on Thursday evening, the message in the Telegram channel: “There is currently a coup attempt taking place in Russia!”
“Russian President Vladimir Putin died this evening at his residence in Valdai.”
The Valdai residence is halfway between Moscow and Putin's hometown of St. Petersburg. Putin lives there with his secret family, including ex-gymnast Alina Kabaeva.
“At 8:42 p.m. Moscow time, doctors stopped resuscitation and declared death.”
Then follows a description that reminds us of the death of the Kremlin butcher Josef Stalin 80 years ago (March 5, 1953): Stalin, who had died of a stroke, lay in his office, and no one dared in or at him. And also not to report his death. (Brilliantly filmed in “Stalin’s Death,” 2017).
Is there a silent coup?
“Now the doctors are locked in the room with Putin's body; they are being held by members of the presidential security service on the personal orders of Dmitry Kochnev, who is in communication with the Secretary of the Security Council of the Russian Federation Nikolai Patrushev and receives instructions from him.” Army General Kochnev (59) is the head of Putin's bodyguard. Putin's confidant Patrushev (72) is the National Security Council chairman and an old-school hardliner.
When Soviet butcher Stalin died in 1953, absurd scenes are said to have taken place: no one dared to go near him, and everyone was afraid that he wasn't dead after all.
The Telegram channel further reported - without any details being even remotely verified:
“Security measures have been strengthened for the president's double. Active negotiations are underway. Any attempt to create a presidential double after Putin’s death is a coup.”
Similarities to Stalin's death
All in all, this would mean that Putin is lying dead in a room, and the closest circle around him is trying to secure power and wants to have a counterpart appear for as long as possible.
There have been repeated rumors about Putin's health. Sometimes, he supposedly had Parkinson's, sometimes cancer, both. Another Putin appeared again and again.
It is known that Putin has a paranoid fear of contact poisons that his secret services use on his orders to kill (such as Novichok). And from food poisoning.
Putin? This photo shows Kremlin Tsar Putin on Friday. Neither date nor identity can be verified.
Dramatic scenes around the alleged deathbed
Recently, there have always been strange things in Putin's appearances: sometimes, he didn't have one hand under control, and sometimes he seemed to drag one leg. But again and again, he allowed himself to be represented by replicas.
According to an unverifiable report from the Telegram channel, the following is said to have happened on Sunday evening:
"At around 9:05 p.m. Moscow time, Russian President Vladimir Putin's security service members, who were on duty at the residence, heard noise and the sounds of falling coming from the president's bedroom."
“Two security officers immediately ran into the president's bedroom and saw Putin lying on the floor next to the bed and a table with overturned food and drinks. “Probably when the president fell, he hit the table and dishes and threw them on the floor, which caused the noise.”
Putin's Valdai complex with its villas is located in this forest.
“Putin arched convulsively while lying on the floor and rolled his eyes. The doctors on duty at the residence and in one of the adjacent rooms were called immediately.”
“Doctors performed resuscitation measures after previously determining that the President had suffered cardiac arrest. Help came in time, the heart restarted, and Putin regained consciousness.”
Putin was moved to a hospital-like room and given intensive care. His condition was stabilized.
As I said, what is happening inside the Kremlin and in Putin's residences is a mystery.
Until “Swan Lake” is broadcast or Putin appears in person on Russian TV, “Schrödinger’s Law” applies to the Blood Tsar: He is in his residence and can be both – dead or alive.
By News Staff
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