News Staff - November 3, 2022 - Law Enforcement Nikolas Cruz AR-15 Rifle - 1.6K views - 0 Comments - 0 Likes - 0 Reviews
DLNews Crime:
According to Sheriff Scott Israel, Shooter Nikolas Cruz, 19, who shot at least 17 people in Parkland, Florida, used an AR-15 rifle.
A weapon that has become notorious, especially in the USA - as the favorite weapon of many shooters. Again and again, perpetrators use semi-automatic rifles in their deadly attacks.
On November 5, 2017, Devin Kelley († 26) stormed a church in Sutherland Springs, Texas, with a Ruger AR-15 assault rifle. During the service, he shoots around, 26 people die.
Las Vegas assassin Stephan Paddock († 64), who shot 58 people last October, used such a gun, among other things.
In 2015, nine people were killed by an AR-15 gunshot in the Umpqua Community College shooting in Oregon.
The 2012 AR-15 shooting in Sandy Hook, Connecticut, killed 28 people.
The weapon was used in the attack in San Bernardino (California) in 2015, killing 14 people.
Why is it always that gun?
The model is the civilian version of a military M-16 rifle, i.e., one that is legally available in stores in the USA. It's a semi-automatic weapon, so the cartridges are automatically reloaded.
Unlike fully automatic weapons, which fire continuously as long as the shooter holds the trigger, the AR-15 requires the shooter to pull the trigger for each shot.
Nevertheless, it is possible to fire many shots very quickly with the AR-15.
After all the horrors that have been committed with it, do people shy away from buying this gun?
No, on the contrary.
When former President Obama announced he would tighten gun laws, sales soared. The customers wanted to anticipate a possible ban. As a result, five million AR-15s are said to be in circulation in the United States.
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