Violence against children! This is now back on a school schedule in the US state of Missouri. The Cassville R-IV School District students were informed of a new discipline policy: corporal punishment.
What is considered a criminal offense among adults usually ends with a report, and its consequences are used freely against children - and even played down.
Hitting a student must be done with "reasonable physical strength" and ensure that "there is no chance of causing physical injury or harm."
The sheer mockery! Because: Any form of violence leaves damage. Child psychologist and educator explained.
"Violence is always bad because it involves physical pain. It's not nice for adults, but children can't understand why they are being hurt. Because cognitively – mentally – they are not far enough to understand it. Beatings are often very impulsive, so even the parents often don't know why afterward. The beatings have health and psychological consequences. Most of the time, the children's self-esteem is also badly damaged. They don't feel loved and can lose that sense of security - possibly for their entire lives."

But Merlyn Johnson, superintendent for the Cassville R-IV School District, is sure of his case. According to Springfield News-Leader, he said: "When I came to Cassville, it wasn't my plan to be known as the guy who would bring corporal punishment back to Cassville. I didn't want that to be my legacy, and I still don't want it. But it happened during my supervision, and I'm okay with that."