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February 3, 2024 -
President Biden
2024 Election
Ex-president Trump
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DLNews Politics:
In the latest episode of "As the White House Turns," the gloves are off, and the swear jars fill up faster than a lobbyist's pocket on Capitol Hill. In one corner, we have President Joe "The Articulate" Biden, who, behind the velvet curtains and away from the eagle-eyed press, transforms into a linguistic pugilist, slinging mud (and a few choice words) at his arch-nemesis, Donald "Teflon Don" Trump.
Yes, folks, it's no secret that Biden and Trump won't be exchanging friendship bracelets or sharing a pumpkin spice latte anytime soon. But according to the political paparazzi at "Politico," Biden's verbal jabs at Trump in the privacy of his presidential ring are more colorful than a Fourth of July fireworks display. Reports suggest that Biden has dubbed Trump a "sick f...," a term of endearment that could range from 'misguided soul' to something you'd expect to hear in a sailor's tavern on payday.
US President Joe Biden at an appearance in the US state of South Carolina. In his private life, he gives vent to his anger at Trump.
The trigger for Biden's vocabulary volcano? Oh, just Trump cracking jokes about the hammer attack on Nancy "The Gavel" Pelosi's husband. Biden reportedly exploded faster than a shaken soda can, branding Trump with words that wouldn't make it into a Hallmark card.
But wait, there's more! Trump's less-than-flattering remarks about soldiers, his cheerleading squad during the Capitol's uninvited tour group on January 6, and his bromance with Kremlin heartthrob Vladimir Putin have all sent Biden's blood pressure to new heights, painting his face a shade of crimson usually reserved for cartoon characters.
And in a twist no one saw coming, Biden's penchant for spicy language isn't confined to the West Wing. He's been known to drop a bomb or two even during events as sacred as a prayer breakfast, reminding everyone to "remember who the hell we are..." in a tone that might make a nun blush.
Former President Donald Trump at an appearance in Las Vegas: He is the target of attacks but distributes them himself.
On the flip side, Trump, ever the gentleman, has taken the high road by... oh, who are we kidding? He's been lobbing his verbal grenades, coining the ever-so-dignified nickname "Dishonest Joe" and proving that he's more rock 'n' roll than Shakespeare regarding poetic expression.
As the countdown to the subsequent presidential smackdown begins, one thing's for sure: the airwaves will crack with more F-bombs than a Tarantino flick. So, grab your popcorn and tune in to the most significant political show on earth, where the only thing thicker than the insults is the irony. And remember folks, in the grand theatre of American politics; it's not just the debates that are life... but the bloopers, too.
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