Title: Pink Floyd — The Dark Side Of The Moon: The Official 50th Anniversary Book
Author: Jill Furmanovsky
Publisher: Thames & Hudson
Hardcover: 160 pages
Tell me more: Released in March 1973, Pink Floyd's eighth studio album The Dark Side of the Moon would ultimately prove to be one of the most iconic rock albums of the 20th century and is the groundbreaking English troupe's most beloved effort. According to Wikipedia, The Dark Side of the Moon is certified 14 times platinum in the United Kingdom and topped the LPs and Tape charts in the U.S. where it has "charted for 975 weeks."
Now in celebration of the 50th anniversary of that release, Thames & Hudson has issued the must-have "Pink Floyd — The Dark Side Of The Moon: The Official 50th Anniversary Book." Curated by Jill Furmanovsky and featuring art direction from Aubrey Powell, the gorgeous LP-sized hardcover volume features rare and previously unseen photographs (including backstage and onstage images of the band during The Dark Side of the Moon tours of 1972-1975), song lyrics, tour dates, a Melody Maker review of the band's 1972 Wembley concert and much more; the book was created with the involvement of members of Pink Floyd. A truly marvelous keepsake for fans of Pink Floyd and The Dark Side of the Moon.