Title: Fanny: The Other Mendelssohn (Mercury Studios) Genre: Documentary / Classical music Director: Sheila Hayman Website: mercurystudios.co Tell me more: Even classical music aficionados may not be familiar with the life and music of composer Fanny Mendelssohn, the gifted older sister of Felix Men...
Movie Title: Weird: The Al Yankovic Story (Shout! Factory) You might like if you enjoy: "Weird Al" Yankovic, 1980s music, "This Is Spinal Tap" rockumentary, actor Daniel Radcliffe Tell me more: "Weird Al" Yankovic's unique career path forged by a groundbreaking artist who writes, records and per...
Artist: Billy Idol Title: State Line: Live At The Hoover Dam (MVD Visual) Tell me more: Following its successful limited theatrical run, Billy Idol's historic and rousing performance at the Hoover Dam in April 2023 is now available on both DVD and Blu-ray (the latter reviewed here) courtesy of MV...
Rock Icon Billy Idol Makes History with First-EverConcert at Iconic Location "Billy Idol - State Line: Live at the Hoover Dam" Once in a Lifetime Performance Features Special Guestsincluding Alison Mosshart (The Kills), Steve Jones (Sex Pistols), and Tony Kanal (No Doubt) Title available Frida...
Artist: Mark Farner Title: Rock 'N' Roll Soul: Live 1989 (Liberation Hall) You might like if you enjoy: Grand Funk Railroad, Randy Bachman, Blood, Sweat and Tears Tell me more: The "1989 Woodstock Revisited" Festival was staged at Cal State Dominguez Hills in Carson, CA in August 1989 to celeb...
Artist: Duran Duran Title: A Hollywood High (Cherry Red Records) You might like if you enjoy: Duran Duran, Roxy Music, Arcadia Tell me more: A Hollywood High is a true celebration of modern British rock group Duran Duran's special relationship with Los Angeles. In addition to interviews with singer ...
Artist: George Benson Title: Live at Montreux 1986 (Mercury Studios) You might like if you enjoy: George Benson, Jeffrey Osbourne Tell me more: A frequent performer at the Montreux Jazz Festival (held every July in Switzerland), George Benson performed a particularly special set in the summer ...
Good news for film buffs; Wes Craven's 1982 classic Swamp Thing is being reissued via a restored and remastered release that will make its premiere on 4K Ultra HD and Blu-ray formats. The release will be available on July 25, 2023. MVD ENTERTAINMENT GROUP IS PROUD TO ANNOUNCE SWAMP THING,...
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