admin August 29, 2023
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After using the restroom, there's a question you might not think to ask yourself. However, according to Dr. George, an Australian expert, improper bottom hygiene can lead to issues. Her viral TikTok video on proper wiping technique has garnered over 4.5 million views. She advises limiting wiping to only twice, as the New York Post reported. If you need to use toilet paper more than twice, it may indicate smearing too much feces and improper hygiene.
It is said that improper bowel movements can result in fecal matter getting stuck in the anus. However, there is allegedly a technique to prevent this mishap and reduce the number of wipes needed. According to George, during a bowel movement, one should gradually squeeze the anus, starting at 20% and increasing to 50%, 80%, and finally 100%, resulting in only four squeezes by the end of the movement. This technique is meant to help the fecal matter exit smoothly and prevent anything from sticking to the sphincter, ultimately reducing the required number of wipes to just two.
Some users doubt the effectiveness of a specific wiping technique, with one joke stating that "when it bleeds, you know it's done." It's important to remember this when using the restroom. There are no official recommendations for the correct pressing technique, but improper wiping can lead to issues. The Federal Center for Health Education (BZgA) advises women to wipe their buttocks from front to back to prevent the spread of intestinal germs to the vagina and urinary tract. Dabbing the area with toilet paper is also a gentler option to avoid injury to sensitive skin. Recently, Dr. Karan Rajan, a surgeon with the UK Health Service, caused controversy by claiming that the right angle is crucial for a successful bowel movement.
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