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6 articles found.
  • Oct 02, 2023
    DLNews Politics: Earlier in the day, Gaetz pushed for a procedural tool –a motion to vacate — to try and strip McCarthy of his office as soon as this ...
    0 0 0 894 0/5
  • Oct 02, 2023
    - First of all, it's quiet! Mitch McConnell, Republican Senate Minority Leader, announces approval. DLNews Politics: ... but Ukraine has to worry abou...
    0 0 0 836 0/5
  • Jan 07, 2023
    Happy Kevin McCarthy has been trying to become Speaker of the House of Representatives since Tuesday - now he's done it. DLNews Politics: Republican M...
    0 0 0 940 0/5
  • Jan 04, 2023
    DLNews Politics:   Trump confidante Kevin McCarthy (57) failed at the fourth attempt to be elected speaker of the House of Representatives. His own co...
    0 1 0 1765 0/5
  • Jan 04, 2023
    DLNews Politics: Huge slap in the face for Trump confidant Kevin McCarthy (57) in the Speaker of the House of Representatives election!   The Republic...
    0 0 0 781 0/5
  • Nov 17, 2022
    The Capitol in Washington DLNews Politics: US President Joe Biden's (79) Democrats lost their majority in the House of Representatives in the congress...
    0 0 0 898 0/5