News Staff
May 2, 2023 -
Family & Home -
Drunk driving
Aric Samantha Hutchinson
South Carolina
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DLNews News Staff:
A drunk driver crashes the bride to death shortly after the wedding ceremony.
They had just pinned on their rings, said their wedding vows, and celebrated love and life for hours. Then a drunk driver destroyed the happiness of Samantha († 34) and Aric Hutchinson.
Shortly after the bride and groom left the wedding reception in Folly Beach (South Carolina) on Friday evening, the unimaginable happened: as they drove in a golf cart to their nearby accommodation, a car rammed the vehicle.
Groom Aric is seriously injured in the hospital.
As the "New York Post" reports, the golf cart, occupied by four people, was thrown 100 meters. The bride reportedly died instantly; her husband and two of his relatives were seriously injured.
The groom's mother, Annette Hutchinson, wrote on the fundraising platform GoFundMe, Sam and Aric "At the hospital, I received Aric's wedding ring in a plastic bag just five hours after Sam put it on his finger." Aric lost the love of his life."
As Hutchinson reports, the drunk woman driving the car was probably traveling at about 100 mph (instead of the legal 40 mph) and rammed the cart with its unprotected guests from behind.
Two of the three survivors are in critical condition in hospital: groom Aric suffered numerous broken bones and brain damage in the collision. Co-driver Ben was also particularly severely injured.
With the "GoFundMe" donations, Aric's mother, Annette, now wants to pay for the costs of the funeral and the treatment of her son and the other injured. The donation goal of 100,000 US dollars has already been far exceeded: Within a few days, almost 400,000 US dollars have been received.
DrunkDriver Jamie Lee Komoroski
The driver of the Killer car, Jamie Lee Komoroski (25), was arrested and faced charges of drunk driving, causing death, and involuntary manslaughter.
By News Staff
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