News Staff
January 24, 2023 -
Business -
Robert Bigo Barnett
Attack of the Capitol
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DLNews Politics:
The man was part of the brutal crowd storming the Capitol in Washington on January 6, 2021. "Bigo" (62) and hundreds of like-minded people smashed doors and windows to take the building. Riots broke out, and politicians and policemen's lives were in danger. Five people died then, and the inconceivable acts also caused horror worldwide. Since then, police have arrested 940 people whose involvement is being investigated.
Some suspects deny their actions or talk them down - this is impossible for Barnett. He was photographed rifling through the desk of Nancy Pelosi, 82. The Democrat was the leader of the House of Representatives at the time, making her the third most important person in the U.S. government.
Barnett told journalists that he left Pelosi a note. It allegedly read, "Nancy, Bigo was here, you bitch." An inconceivable insolence! Moreover, the Arkansas man sat in Pelosi's office chair and placed one foot on her desk. Barnett was armed with a stun gun and a walking stick and became one of the faces of the congressional attack.
Incredibly, Barnett tried to talk his way out of it in court last week. First, he claimed he was looking for a restroom, then accidentally ended up in Pelosi's office. Next, a press photographer allegedly told him to "act natural," After that, he put his foot up on the desk.
Two days after storming the Capitol, he was arrested and put behind bars for about four months. On Monday, jurors found Barnett guilty on eight charges. Among them were obstructing an official proceeding and entering an official building with a dangerous or deadly weapon.
After the verdict, Barnett's attorney said his client did not receive a fair trial. Sentencing is to be announced in early May. Prosecutors said the former firefighter could face up to 47 years in prison.
By News Staff
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