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February 21, 2023 -
World at War -
Putin War Speech
New START agreement
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Kremlin tyrant Vladimir Putin during his speech in Moscow
DLNews Breaking News:
Kremlin dictator Vladimir Putin (70) gave a long-delayed speech to the Russian Federation Assembly on Tuesday afternoon.
Putin said the West wants to inflict a "strategic defeat" on Russia. "It's about the existence of our country."
The speech is due to the upcoming war anniversary - on February 24, 2022, Putin began the "military special operation" in Ukraine. This is how the Kremlin describes the brutal war against all of Ukraine to this day, in which the Russian army killed tens of thousands of Ukrainian civilians.
It was a speech full of propaganda lies - the only significant announcement Putin had saved for the end...
The view from the stage: Parliamentarians, military officials and Putin confidants gathered in Moscow on Tuesday to listen to the Kremlin tyrant's speech.
Putin puts the nuclear disarmament treaty on hold.
After over an hour, Putin spoke for the first time about nuclear weapons. And announced that Russia is pausing its participation in the New START agreement!
That means: Putin is putting the nuclear disarmament treaty on hold!
The New START agreement is a disarmament agreement negotiated between the United States and Russia to gradually reduce strategic nuclear weapons delivery systems jointly. New-START limits the number of long-range nuclear warheads they can deploy and restricts the use of missiles capable of carrying nuclear weapons.
The agreement extension was signed in 2021 for a further five years. In August 2022, however, Russia's foreign ministry temporarily suspended nuclear stockpile controls under the deal. At that time, however, Russia said it would continue adhering to New START.
In his address, the Kremlin dictator also said that Russia must be ready to resume nuclear weapons testing - but only if the US does.
Kremlin tyrant Vladimir Putin
Putin: West and the "Kyiv regime" responsible for the war
The Kremlin dictator had previously announced in his speech that Russia would "step by step (...) carefully and consistently solve the tasks ahead of us". The Donbas "believed that Russia could come to the rescue."
Russia did "everything possible to solve the problem peacefully." But "another scenario was being prepared behind our backs," Putin said at the beginning of his speech.
That means: Putin blames the West and the "Kyiv regime" – as he describes the democratically elected government of Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelenskyj (45) – for the war he started.
Particularly perfidious: “We are trying to end the war,” said Putin. In his propaganda fantasy, Ukraine has waged war against Russian-speaking Ukrainians, funded by the West.
The West and the "Kyiv regime" alone are responsible for all the victims in Ukraine - not Putin's murderous army.
While the Kremlin dictator was still delivering his speech, Mykhailo Podoliak (51), advisor to Ukrainian President Zelenskyy, said that Putin had lost touch with reality.
"He is in a completely different reality where there is no opportunity to have a dialogue about justice and international law," Podoljak said on Tuesday. Instead, Russia is stuck in an impasse, and everything it does worsens things.
Mykhailo Podoliak (51), adviser to Ukrainian President Zelenskyy
Russian state media collapsed during the speech.
Meanwhile, during the live transmission of Putin's speech in parliament, the websites of Russian state media collapsed. Reuters journalists at several locations could not access the State Television and Radio Corporation (VGTRK) website and live-streaming platform Smotrim during the speech.
A message on the VGTRK website stated, "technical work is being carried out," while the Smotrim website could not be loaded.
According to the state news agency RIA Novosti, the outage resulted from a DDoS attack (Distributed Denial of Service). A website is quickly flooded with requests, causing it to crash due to overload.
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