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David McCoy Police officer
Courtney Spraggin
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Courtney Spraggins (†26) was trapped and executed by her killer.
DLNews Crime:
"To serve and protect" is the motto of many U.S. police departments.
A former public servant has turned out to be a stone-cold killer. Cunning: David McCoy (29) from Huntsville (Alabama) wanted to make his bloody deed look like a suicide.
David McCoy (29) was particularly devious in his murder.
In an interrogation, the former officer has already confessed. Also, the evidence speaks clearly against the now ex-cop. That is why McCoy must now stand murder trial. In Alabama, he faces the death penalty.
As the trial shows, the policeman drove on two tracks. His mistress Courtney Spraggins (†26), who was not pregnant by David McCoy, wanted to move into the house the law enforcement officer occupied with his girlfriend. To Spraggins, he played for time, stalling the expectant mother.
Eventually, he lured her into a deadly trap. In the process, the ex-cop took a particularly devious approach: First, he met his lover in her car on January 7, 2022, and executed her with a shot to the head. Then he hypocritically called an internal police hotline and asked if shots had been fired in the area. Finally, he said a loud bang awakened him.
The unborn child of Courtney Spraggins died.
Fellow police officers found the body; McCoy had met investigators at the scene. The killer said he had "seen the victim once." Later, the 29-year-old became entangled in contradictions.
On the man's cell phone, IT specialists discovered numerous messages Spraggins and her killer exchanged. For example, when asked what she should do in her time of need, David McCoy once said, "A bullet to the head sounds good to me."
Gunshot residue (residue from the muzzle flash of a firearm) was found on the hands. The murder weapon was in McCoy's apartment beside the murdered woman's cell phone. Finally, after five hours of interrogation, the accused buckled and confessed everything. With the police, the killer was fired.
The unborn child also did not survive, according to media reports.
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