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February 8, 2023 -
Pets -
pigeon killer
Gender Reveal
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This pigeon was dyed pink for a "Gender Reveal Party." The animal died a short time later.
DLnews Pets:
A couple wanted to proudly announce the gender of their child at their baby shower. But their idea for the "Gender Reveal Party" cost a pigeon its life.
"Gender Reveal" parties are a kind of custom in the United States, enjoying growing popularity there. Couples announce the gender of their child in a variety of ways, such as balloons filled with tinsel bursts. If the tinsel is blue, it will be a boy; if it is pink, it will be a girl.
But expectant parents in New York had something else in mind: They bought a pigeon - and sprayed the poor bird with pink paint, as the British "Mirror" reports.
The animal welfare organization "Wild Bird Fund" found the completely malnourished animal on the street, barely alive, and its feathers completely stuck together. So the animal rights activists christened the pigeon "Flamingo" took it into their care, and treated it.
All efforts were in vain: "Flamingo" died on Tuesday. As veterinarians explained, the reason is the inhalation of toxic fumes from the pink dye.
The Wild Bird Fund shared on Twitter, "We are unfortunate that Flamingo, our sweet pink pigeon, has passed away. Unfortunately, despite our efforts to reduce the effects of the dye fumes and keep him calm and stable, he passed away during the night."
Keepers initially tried to save the pigeon by bathing it to remove the pink dye. They also used heat, oxygen, and medication to reverse or at least reduce the effect of the toxin on the bird.
However, it was unable to eat and had trouble digesting food.
Further, the animal welfare organization stated, "We hope the story of his far too short life will help prevent further cases of such thoughtless cruelty. Letting pigeons fly sounds romantic. But if you strip away the kitsch and Instagram photos, it's the equivalent of abandoning your helpless pets on the side of the road. That's no way to celebrate anything."
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