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I am a photographer first and writer next, I do the society and celebrity column in Desert Star Weekly Newspaper. I also photograph charity and sports events in the desert.
Posted by - Pat Krause \
November 2, 2024 \
Filed in - Entertainment \
DAP Equity Walk Palm Springs Ruth Hardy Park \
807 views \ 0 reviews
The DAP Health Equity Walk took place on Saturday, the 26th, at Ruth Hardy Park in Palm Springs. Previously known as The Desert Aids Walk, the event continues to uphold its mission. DAP is committed to ensuring that everyone can access its medical and social services, aiming for equity. Participants walk knowing that every dollar raised supports DAP programs and services.
Modern Men Chorus group
CEO David Brinkman expressed gratitude to all attendees and highlighted upcoming events, including the Steve Chase Gala, which raised over one million dollars for DAP. The morning kicked off with a warm-up led by fitness expert Ted Guice and others on stage, offering walkers an opportunity to enhance their experience. Dignitaries and participants gathered on stage to unveil a large check for DAP totaling $8,058.00.
Barbara Greenlee and Jake Lake-Velazco offer pet adoptions.
This fundraiser walk is more than just a walk; it serves as a family day of enjoyment. Vendors from various businesses provided complimentary items, including free coffee and bread from Koffi, as well as snacks and water for walkers. Unlike a typical walk, there was entertainment before and after the event, with children and pets mingling throughout the park. Activities included pet-friendly adoptions, a dog fashion show, and even a dog-kissing booth—a fun and healthy way to support DAP's mission.
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