Posted by - Pamela Price \
August 8, 2024 \
Filed in - Family & Home \
Senior Center Cahtedral City \
1.5K views \ 0 reviews
Geoff Corbin, Irma Olds, Sue Townsley and Vic Ide, photo by Pat Krause
by Pam Price
When Monday morning rolls around, you’ll find a loyal crowd of volunteers and food fans gathering at Cathedral City’s famous Senior Center, where a temporary grocery "happening" takes place until 11:00. This is known locally as “the Food Bank." Grocery products are generously donated to the Monday morning event, which is open from 7 to 11 a.m. You will see loyal shoppers but won’t know any checkout lines or clumsy cards once you enter this well-organized “food market."
Rosa Chalian, Cheryl Turner, Barb Horn. Carl Marshall, Robert Slater, photo by Pat Krause
Those shoppers qualifying to peruse and select their favorite products, literally from soup to nuts, have discovered this impressive scene (devoid of cash registers), an organized weekly market “almost too good to be true,” according to a regular shopper. This friendly open market displays food-filled tables, from fresh fruits to frozen vegetables.
Take your pick from juicy lemons and oranges to chocolate chip cookies from the Panera Bakery. Shoppers are welcomed by a friendly staff of volunteers who seem to know many visitors, also known as “ the regulars.” According to Sue Townsley, a Cathedral City resident, “I have volunteered at many places, and this group of volunteers is the best. Each brings strength and treats Food Bank shopping with complete respect and dignity. We know our regulars and encourage new shoppers to return every Monday. The food changes brands each week depending on donations. We provide basic market food products such as milk and bread that often mingle with gourmet choices such as fresh croissants and assorted sweet rolls,” she said.
Patti Licausi, Tom Rudolph, Kenn Hughes, photo by Pat Krause
As the Monday Market draws to a close, the sight of perfectly displayed pastries on a large serving table is a testament to the day's success. Dozens of smiling faces depart, each carrying a unique assortment of Monday food favorites. One happy shopper summarizes the experience perfectly, 'The Monday Market is a perfect way to start the week! ‘
Sharon Nelson, Ronald Miller and Irma Olds, photo by Pat Krause
Contact the Cathedral City Senior Center for more information about visiting the Monday Market. The center is at 37171 W. Buddy Rogers Ave., Cathedral City, CA 92234, tel. (760) 321-1548.
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