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I have been an Entertainment Journalist, Theatre & Film Critic for several magazines and newspapers and two online/internet magazines for the last ten years. Theatre and Film Critic. Member of American Theatre Critics Association Member Academy of Television Arts and Sciences
Jack Lyons February 28, 2021 10.9K views 0 Comments 2 Likes 0 Reviews Israel Maya Zinshtein Jews Muslim Christians
By Jack Lyons
Theatre and Film Critic Member of American Theatre Critics Association (ATCA) Member Academy of Television Arts and Sciences (ATAS)
How does one cover 2000 years of religious history of the Jewish people and Gentles in the Common Era (CE)? Perhaps, a good start would be seeing life through the lenses of the other regarding the impacts that both religions have experienced on the planet we all call Earth.
For starters, it is necessary to approach such sensitive subject matter with openness, genuine respect and tolerance. To agree to do so peacefully would be a giant step forward toward a better understanding of one another; especially now in the fraught nuclear arms race by more “wanna-be” players. Their obsession to expand and join the world’s exclusive nuclear club could be dangerous for all concerned.
The volatile Middle East, home to millions of Muslims, Christians, and Jews, has been a festering, religious open sore for centuries. It’s also ironic that the Holy City of Jerusalem, sacred to Jews, Muslims and Christians has been the centerpiece and focus and the reason of how so much blood has been shed in the name of religion and God than all the military wars combined throughout recorded history, speaks volumes about man’s ambitions and priorities.
Award-winning Israeli filmmaker Maya Zinshtein, tosses her director’s hat into modern-day Israel and America to document the 21stcentury relationships with its supporters, neighbors, and friends - mainly the United States – as the most loyal supporter of Israel since declaring itself a sovereign nation in 1948.
Zinshtein’s documentary film ‘TIL KINGDOM COME chronicles the story of how one faith-based American Evangelical Baptist Church, owned and operated by the dynastic Bingham family of Middlesboro, Kentucky, embraced the prophecies and the authenticity of the Hebrew Bible concerning the “end of times” and the return of Jesus to Earth.
Pastors Bingham II and Bingham III also talk about the prediction that the Armageddon that will follow will last for seven years. When that “happening” or the “Rapture” occurs it’s not clear to what happens to nonbelievers. The ‘when’ of such events, however, is still a work in progress waiting to happen. Scientists say our Sun still has about four billion years to go before the fat lady sings.
The American connection to the IFCJ featured in this film documentary is the Evangelical Baptist Church of Middlesboro, Kentucky, under the leadership of Pastor Boyd Bingham II and his son Boyd Bingham III, who fervently believe and preach that God gave the Holy land to the Jewish people in perpetuity.
The only problem with following the edict thousands of years later is that the area selected then is now, unfortunately too small an area to protect and accommodate all the faithful from other religions who lived there before as well, and who still have the desire to live there is the sticking point for middle East. peace
There are many video clips with speeches praising the work and dedication of IFCJ’s many humanitarian accomplishments, and rightly so. In this documentary film viewers see and hear from celebrities and politicians; including former President Trump, Israel’s current Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Pat Robertson, founder of The 700 Club, along with casino mogul billionaire and political donor Sheldon Adelson, and, of course, the people of Jerusalem and Middlesboro, KY.
The documentary is a testament to what can be accomplished when people of Faith work together. That being said, the film also dips a toe into the toxic waters where religion meets the strange bedfellows of politics and politicians One feels at times that one is watching an hour-long Republican political fund-raising dinner event.
Polite people years ago were urged to never mix or discuss politics and religion in the same conversation. That’s old fashioned thinking these days. It’s good business now to blur those old secular safety nets and “no-no” zones between politics, money, and religion. It’s a changing and complicated, new world we have entered in dealing with such hot button issues as religion and politics in the 21st century.
‘TIL KINGDOM COME is a well-made, technically first rate, commercial film from director Maya Zinshtein that shows off the important work being done, and rightly so, by the International Fellowship of Christians and Jews, who over its 38 year existence has raised more than $1.8 Billion to help Israel’s poor, its elderly and all Jewish ‘holocaust survivors.
The welcome mat is still out for all far-flung Jews inviting them to return to their ancient homeland in Israel. The IFCC’s new and dynamic President and CEO, is American-born Yael Eckstein of Chicago, who hosts the film.
‘TIL KINGDOM COME was released to selected theatres on February 26th to coincide with the lifting of the quarantine ban for movie theatres. Check your local schedules for dates and times of screenings.
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