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February 12, 2023 -
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Earthquake victims in Turkey
Miracle of rescue
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With big eyes, the infant looks into the faces of his rescuers.
DLnews Staff:
Iskenderun (Turkey) - The number of earthquake victims in the Turkish-Syrian border region continues to rise, already exceeding 28,000, with thousands still missing. Rescue workers work tirelessly around the clock, always looking for a miracle. And such a miracle happened on Saturday!
Workers managed to retrieve a two-month-old infant from piles of rubble in the municipality of Iskenderun.
Little Hamza held out for 139 hours in mountains of rubble
People around clapped and cheered loudly as rescuers rescued the tiny body from the rubble. The baby had previously struggled to survive for 128 hours before being found.
Little Amira cried as she was carried on a stretcher into an ambulance
A snapshot that is as moving as it is hopeful. While the ambulance sirens wail in the background, the infant looks wide-eyed into the faces of his rescuers. They inspect the infant for external damage. But at first glance, no injuries are visible. A miracle indeed ...
As the Turkish news agency "Anadolu" reported on Saturday, the baby was taken to a nearby hospital.
Recent footage from the social network Twitter shows the infant on Sunday morning looking happily into a camera and making happy squealing sounds.
These infants were also rescued while still six days old
Nearly 50 kilometers south of Iskenderun, in Hatay province, local rescuers found little Hamza. The seven-month-old baby was bleeding from the cheek, and sharp boulders had cut his skin.
The colorful clothes worn by the little boy are badly affected by the events of the past 139 hours. The sweater and pants are dirty and torn, shoes the infant has not put them on. And yet: he survived! Videos from the social networks show Hamza lying in the arms of the men who saved his life.
He was also taken away by ambulance for further searches.
What these two fates have in common: Both babies were found alone, and there is still no trace of the parents ...
The recovery of the three-year-old girl Amira Amir was different. She was rescued with her father, Adnan Amir, from a collapsed building in Hatay.
Father and daughter had to endure 140 hours in the rubble, fighting for survival before they were finally redeemed on Saturday.
By News Staff
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